The right asset allocation could reduce your exposure to market volatility. However, you also may want to incorporate other vehicles that can minimize risk and protect your retirement income. In this guide you’ll identify unique challenges that retirees face and gain tools that could help you enjoy the retirement you’ve always imagined.
Social Security will likely play a large role in your retirement. Do you know when you should file? What about your spouse? Do you have a plan to minimize taxes on your benefits? What about coordinating potential work opportunities with your Social Security benefits? An inclusive retirement income strategy can help you make informed choices, so you maximize your benefits and minimize risk. Remember, there are no do-overs with Social Security. Your decisions are permanent.
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With political and economic fluctuations in the air, this year might be your best opportunity to make the most of a Roth conversion. A traditional IRA might be subject to particular tax burdens, required minimum distributions and potential prohibitive legislation that a Roth IRA would avoid. This guide compares the data and shows if a Roth conversion is right for your situation.
Interested in learning more about how we can help you on your journey toward your retirement income goals? Contact us to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.
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